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Gain of 10 percent over 2006
Published on September 10, 2008 By PranayGupte In Current Events

EIA estimates that members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) earned $671 billion in net oil export revenues in 2007, a 10 percent increase from 2006. Saudi Arabia earned the largest share of these earnings, $194 billion, representing 29 percent of total OPEC revenues. On a per-capita basis, OPEC net oil export earning reached $1,137, a 8 percent increase from 2006. Through August, OPEC had earned an estimated $740 billion in net oil export earnings in 2008. Based on projections from the EIA September 2008 Short Term Energy Outlook (STEO), OPEC net oil export revenues could be $1,116  billion in 2008 and $1,226 billion in 2009.

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