Provocative commentaries on international issues, social development, and people and places by a veteran journalist
Columbia professor excels in "India: The Emerging Giant"
Published on January 8, 2008 By PranayGupte In Writing
Professor Arvind Panagriya, who holds the Bhagwati Chair at Columbia University, is one of the most astute observers of the Indian scene. Besides being a stellar economist, he's a writer and speaker of great felicity. I strongly recommend his new book, "India: The Emerging Giant," published this month by Oxford University Press. Professor Panagriya offers a solid study of how India is being transformed from a giant country handicapped by long years of socialist policies to one of the world's most dynamic economies. At the same time, he's unsentimental about the challenges -- the need to dramatically alleviate poverty, to create more jobs in manufacturing, and to re-energize the agricultural sector. This is a book both for scholars and everyday readers, and is marvelously organized.
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